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What is P2PE?

Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) protects your customer’s payment data by encrypting it at the point of entry before you send it to your processor. The data can be unencrypted using only the processor’s secure key, so even if a fraudster steals the data they can’t use it.… Read More “What is P2PE?”

How do I care for my battery in my Genius Handheld?

Care for the lithium-ion battery in your Genius Handheld™ to increase the battery life and prevent hazardous battery failures. To care for your battery, complete the following instructions:


Storing your battery outside your Genius Handheld

If you store your battery outside your Genius Handheld, complete the following steps:

  1. Cover the metal terminals on your battery with non-conductive electrical tape.
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