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Articles tagged: v400m

Can my Genius device remember my POS on startup?

When you enabled Bluetooth connection on your Genius device, you selected one of the following possible connection modes:

  • Pair every time: On startup, your Genius device forgets all previous POS devices and automatically searches for available POS devices.
  • Pair with memory: On startup, your Genius device remembers the last POS device it was connected to and automatically reconnects to it.
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How does my Genius V400m work with my network?

Your V400m uses WiFi or Bluetooth to connect to your network and POS.

We configure your V400m with the same gateway credentials that your POS uses to process transactions, which allows your V400m to communicate directly with our gateway.

Note: We recommend that you assign a static IP address to your V400m to prevent it disconnecting from your POS.