To run a credit card sale manually, complete the following steps:
- From the SoftPay home screen, press F2 (Sale).
- Use the keypad to type the sale amount, then press the Enter key.
- To confirm the sale amount, press F1 (Yes).
- Use the keypad to type the card number, then press Enter.
- Type the expiration date, then press Enter.
- When the terminal asks if the card is present, press F2 (No).
- Type the Phone Order Number, then press Enter.
- If there is no Order Number for the sale, type any number then press Enter.
- On the V-Code screen, type the CVV2 numbers for the customer’s card, then press Enter.
- Visa, Mastercard, or Discover: Three digits on the back of the card
- AMEX: Four digits on the right-hand side of the front of the card
- No CVV2 code: Press F1 (Skip)
- Type the cardholder’s street number, then press Enter.
- Type the cardholder’s zip code, then press Enter.
- To print a copy of the receipt for the customer, press F1 (Yes).
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Tags: manual card sale, run transaction, credit card sale, verifone, vx520, keyed sale