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How do I connect to a hidden WiFi network?

Find your network

  1. Use the keypad to press 1, 5, and 9 at the same time.
  2. Tap Com Control.Screenshot of the ComControl button
  3. Tap WiFi.
  4. Tap Configuration, and then use the keypad to enter the password. The default password is 200331.
  5. Tap OK.
  6. Tap New.

Connect to your hidden WiFi network

  1. Tap SSID, and then enter your network SSID. Tap OK.
  2. Tap Autostart, and then tap Yes.
  3. Tap Hidden, and then tap Yes.
  4. Tap Authentication, and complete the following steps:
    • Tap Authentication, and then tap WPA2 – PSK.
    • Tap Pre-Shared-Key (PSK), and then enter the passcode. Tap OK. To return to the View/Edit screen, tap theInsert alt text for the imagel.
  5. Tap Save.

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