Important: You can void transactions only if they are within an open batch. If the transaction is in a closed batch, you need to
perform a refund.
To void a transaction, complete the following steps:
Step 1. From the SoftPay home screen, press F4 (Void).
Step 2. Select the transaction you want to void.
Option 1. To void the last transaction, complete the following steps:
a. To confirm that you want to void the last transaction, press F1 (Yes).
b. To confirm your choice, press F1 (Yes).
c. To reprint the customer receipt from the transaction, press F1 (Yes).
Option 2. To void a different transaction, complete the following steps:
a. To confirm that you do not want to void the last transaction, press F2 (No).
b. Select how you want to retrieve the transaction:
– To search by invoice number, press F1 (Inv#).
– To search by the last four digits of the card number, press F2 (Acct#).
i. Use the keypad to type the search information, then press Enter.
ii. To select the current transaction, press F1 (Yes).
iii. To move to the next transaction, press F3 (Next).
iv. To reprint the customer receipt from the transaction, press F1 (Yes).
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Tags: refund sale, void sale, closed batch, verifone, vx520, cancel sale, return, open batch