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How do I reprint receipts on my VX520?

Important: You can reprint receipts for transactions only within an open batch.

To reprint a receipt, complete the following steps:

Step 1. From the SoftPay home screen, press the third purple key from the left once to access the Reprint menu.

Step 2. Select the receipt that you want to print:

Option 1. To print the last receipt, complete the following steps:

a. Press F2 (Last Receipt). The terminal prints the merchant copy of the receipt.

b. To print the customer receipt from the same transaction, press F1 (Yes).

Option 2. To print any receipt, complete the following steps:

a. Press F3 (Any Receipt).

b. Use the keypad to type the invoice number of the transaction. You can find the invoice number on the receipt, above the total amount. If you do not know the invoice number, you can print a Details Report to retrieve it.

c. Press Enter. The terminal prints the merchant copy of the receipt.

d. To print the customer receipt from the same transaction, press F1 (Yes).

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