Address Verification Service (AVS) is a fraud prevention service for card-not-present transactions and keyed transactions.
AVS prompts the cardholder to provide their billing address when they are entering their payment card details at the checkout. AVS then compares the billing address that the cardholder provides with the registered billing address for the payment card. If the addresses do not match, we recommend you cancel the order.
AVS response codes
When you run a transaction with AVS, we return an AVS response code to your POS that indicates if the cardholder’s billing address matches the billing address the issuing bank has on file for the cardholder.
The following table describes the types of match you can receive from the AVS:
Type of match |
Street address |
Zip code |
Full match |
Matches billing address |
Matches billing address |
Partial match |
Matches billing address |
Doesn’t match billing address |
Partial match |
Doesn’t match billing address |
Matches billing address |
No match |
Doesn’t match billing address |
Doesn’t match billing address |
Note: If you receive a partial match, you can contact the cardholder to confirm their address before you cancel or continue with the order. If you continue with the order, you are liable for any chargeback disputes.
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Tags: keyed, e-commerce, fraud, billing address, online