To reset your password, complete the following steps:
- Go to
- Click Forgot your username/password?
- In the Username box, type your Payments Portal username.
- Click Reset Password.
- Click the link in the email. The link in the email expires after three hours.
- In the New Password box, type your new password. Your password must:
- Contain between 8 and 20 characters
- Contain at least one number
- Contain both upper-case and lower-case letters
- Not match your username
You must change your password every 90 days and you can’t use the same password more than once.
- In the Confirm Password box, re-type your new password.
- Click Reset Password.
- If your password reset is successful, the Payments Portal prompts you to return to the sign-in page.
- If your password reset is unsuccessful, return to the sign-in page and try to reset your password again.
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Tags: forgot password, reset password, sign in, access account, forgot user name, recover account, payments portal