
Login and password help, managing user accounts, and creating user accounts.


Create a Custom Data Access Group

Step 1: From the Data Access Management tab, click “Create New Data Access Group”.  Step 2: Enter the group name and description. Click “Next Step” at the bottom right of the page.  Note: The group name cannot contain spaces or… Read more

Changing your MFA preferences

Step 1. From the home screen, click on the green circle in the top right with your initials. This will bring up a dropdown menu. Step 2. Click My Profile. Step 3. On the My Profile screen, click the Preferences… Read more

Activating a user account

Step 1. From the home screen, click the User Management icon . Step 2. Navigate to the user account that you want to activate, and then click on the Actions button. Step 3. Select Activate User.… Read more

Managing Data Access

When creating a user, assign data access to the user. This determines which MIDs the user has access to for various applications (for example, Reporting, Analytics, etc). The Data Access selector tool allows you to find and select the MIDs… Read more