Filtering a report

Note: If you have multiple merchant locations and you want to filter your reports by location, provide your Merchant Number in your filters.

Step 1. From the Reports screen, navigate to the report you want to view, and then click View Report.

Step 2. Click Filter.

Step 3. Complete the fields that you want to include in your filters.

Step 4. Click Apply.

Saving your search filters

Step 1. Click Save.

Step 2. In the Filter Name field, enter the name you want to use to save your search filters.

Step 3. Click Save.

Using a search filter that you have saved

Step 1. Click the Saved Filters icon .

Step 2. Select the saved filter you want to use for your search or use the search bar to search for a saved filter.

Example of Saved Filters list.
Note:To clear your filters, click Clear All.

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