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Articles tagged: retrieval request

What is a chargeback?

If you have a chargeback on your account, a cardholder has raised a dispute about a transaction you ran using their payment details. The cardholder’s issuing bank instructs your processor to remove the dollar amount from your account and your processor mails you a chargeback notification.… Read More “What is a chargeback?”

The chargeback process

There are four stages in the chargeback process:

  1. Retrieval request
  2. First chargeback
  3. Second chargeback
  4. Arbitration

Retrieval request

When a cardholder disputes a transaction, their issuing bank asks you to send evidence about the transaction. This is known as a retrieval request.… Read More “The chargeback process”

How can I avoid chargebacks?

It is important that you take actions to help prevent chargebacks because:

  • Your processor charges you a fee for each chargeback you receive.
  • Multiple chargebacks may result in compliance issues.
Note: Taking action to prevent chargebacks does not guarantee that you won’t receive any chargebacks.
Read More “How can I avoid chargebacks?”

What is a retrieval request?

If a cardholder disputes a transaction, their issuing bank asks you to send evidence about the transaction. This is known as a retrieval request. For example, if a cardholder has a transaction on their bank statement that they don’t recognize, they can contact their issuing bank and dispute the transaction.… Read More “What is a retrieval request?”