You can set the auto close time on your iCT220/250 to best suit your business’s opening hours.
To set the auto close time on your iCT220/250, complete the following steps:
- To return to the home screen, press Clear (red button).
- Press .;#* (punctuation key).
- Type the admin password, then press Enter (green button). The default password is 1234567F.
- Press 3 (Setup Menu), then press 5 (Trans Options).
- Press 4 (Settlement), then press 6 (AutoSettle).
- To edit the auto close time, complete the following steps:
- To turn off auto close, type 0000 as the Automatic Settlement Time, then press Enter (green button).
- To turn on auto close, type the required time in hh/mm format as the Automatic Settlement Time, then press Enter (green button).
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Tags: ict250, ingenico, change time, settlement report, auto close time, automatically settle batch, ict220