We provide interactive demos of our Genius devices that you can use to learn how to perform the following functions:
- Run a sale
- Access the Admin screen
- Run a Gateway Connection Test
To use a Genius demo for your device, click on its image. The Genius demo opens in a new browser window.
Countertop MX915
Countertop MX925
Important things to consider when using the Genius Demos
- When you use the demo to run a sale, the demo displays an Add Cashback screen. Your Genius device displays this screen only if your merchant account is set up to prompt for cashback.
- If you select Insert or Swipe as a payment method on the demo, you must enter a PIN. The PIN may be any four digits.
– If you enter the PIN 1234, the demo declines the transaction.
– If you enter any other four digits, the demo approves the transaction.
To access the Admin screen, complete the following steps:
- Click 0 three times.
- Enter 9416557 as the password.
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Tags: genius, connection, admin menu, demo, how to use, run a sale