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What additional evidence can a retail merchant provide to defend against chargebacks?

In addition to the actions described in What is a chargeback?, you can also provide the following evidence:

  • A receipt signed by the cardholder
  • Documentation stating that the issuing bank authorized the transaction because of a technical fallback.

What can I do to help prevent chargebacks?

In addition to the best practices described in How can I avoid chargebacks?, we recommend you follow these best practices:


  • Make sure the cardholder is present at the time of the transaction
  • Make sure your POS is in working condition
  • Void any transaction errors before you close your batch
  • If the cardholder is unable to swipe or insert their card, get an imprinted receipt and make sure that it is legible and the customer signs it
  • You must verify that the information on the receipt matches their payment card
  • Get a signature for transactions when the cardholder enters their PIN
  • When running multiple swiped transactions for the same cardholder, get a signature on each individual receipt


  • Attempt to run multiple transactions if the first transaction is declined

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