Yes. You can view the following reports using the Recurring Billing page:
- Tomorrow’s schedule
- Suspended contracts
- Expired cards
- The customer’s billing reports
Viewing tomorrow’s schedule
Use Tomorrow’s Schedule to view a list of transactions that the Payments Portal will run the next calendar day.
To view tomorrow’s schedule:
Option 1. Complete the steps in the following video:
Option 2. Complete the following steps:
- On the toolbar, click Recurring Billing.
- On the side menu, click Tomorrow’s Schedule.
- (Optional) Click the card record to open the detailed view.
In the detailed view, you can use the option buttons to run additional functions, such as:
- View or Edit Card Details
- Edit Contract
- Delete Contract
Viewing suspended contracts
The Payments Portal suspends a contract when it is unable to process a transaction using the customer’s card. This typically occurs when a customer’s card has expired, or the customer has insufficient funds in their account.
To view suspended contracts:
Option 1. Complete the steps in the following video:
Option 2. Complete the following steps:
- On the toolbar, click Recurring Billing.
- On the side menu, click Suspended Contracts.
- (Optional) Click the card record to open the detailed view.
In the detailed view, you can use the option buttons to run additional functions, such as:
- View or Edit Card Details
- Edit Contract
- Delete Contract
Viewing expired cards
To view expired cards:
Option 1. Complete the steps in the following video:
Option 2. Complete the following steps:
- On the toolbar, click Recurring Billing.
- Click Expired Cards.
- (Optional) Click the card record to open the detailed view.
In the detailed view, you can use the option buttons to run additional functions, such as:
- View or Edit Card Details
- Edit Contract
- Delete Contract
Viewing customer billing reports
You can use customer billing reports to carry out the following actions:
- View a breakdown of scheduled transactions
- View a detailed view of each transaction
- Run a repeat sale
- Print a receipt
- Email a receipt
To view customer billing reports:
Option 1. Complete the steps in the following video:
Option 2. Complete the following steps:
- On the toolbar, click Recurring Billing.
- Click the customer’s record to open detailed view.
- Click the billing entry to open the detailed view.
In the detailed view, you can use the option buttons to run additional functions, such as:
- Repeat Sale
- View the receipt
- View transaction details
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Tags: recurring billing, schedule, contract, customer billing, view history, payments portal, reports