Yes. You can upload a batch if you are unable to process transactions using the Virtual Terminal, or a Point of Sale (POS). This may be due to the volume of transactions you have, or the time that it takes to run individual transactions through the Payments Portal.
When you upload a batch file, our system scans it for errors and processes the transactions in the background. Our servers may reject the file if your account is not set up to perform refunds or requires refunds to contain an original reference number. Similarly, our servers will reject the file if your account requires an invoice number, and you do not provide the invoice field.
Formatting your batch file
Batch files must be:
- Flat text files
- Tab delimited
- No larger than 1MB
You can find a sample batch file at
For more information about batch file format, refer to the following table:
Column | Field Name | Length | Description | Required |
1 | Trans_Type | 0-20 | The type of the transaction. Any of the following values: SALE, REPEATSALE, AUTH, RETURN, or FORCE. | Yes |
2 | Account_Num | 0, 15-19 | The account or credit card, debit card, or gift card number. | Yes 1 |
3 | Exp_Date | 4 | The expiration date of the card in the format MMYY. | Yes 1 |
4 | Total_Amount | 0-9 | The total amount to be billed or refunded. | Yes 1 |
5 | Invoice_Num | 0-20 | The invoice number associated with the transaction. | No |
6 | Zip | 0, 5-10 | The United States zip code associated with the billing address of the card. | No |
7 | Street | 0-25 | The street associated with the billing address of the card. | No |
8 | Name_On_Card | 0-25 | The name as it appears on the card. | No |
9 | PO_Number | 0-10 | The purchase order number associated with the transaction. | No |
10 | Tax_Amount | 0-9 | The amount of the total that was in taxes. | No |
11 | City | 50 | The city associated with the billing address of the card. | No |
12 | State | 0, 2 | The two-digit state code associated with the billing address of the card. | No |
13 | Auth_Code | 0, 2 | The authorization code provided previously by the processor when performing a forced transaction. | No 2 |
14 | Original_PNRef | 0-10 | The reference number of the original transaction when performing a refund or a repeat sale. | No 3 |
15 | Card_Type | 0-10 | The type of card used for the transaction, for example, Mastercard or Visa. The server verifies and may automatically correct this. | No |
1 You do not need this field if performing a refund by reference number, or a repeat sale.
2 You do not need the authorization code when performing a forced transaction.
3 You need the original reference number when performing a refund by reference, or a repeat sale.
Uploading a batch file
To upload a batch file:
Option 1. Complete the steps in the following video:
Option 2. Complete the following steps:
- On the toolbar, click Virtual Terminal.
- From the side menu, click Batch Upload.
- Click Upload File.
- Choose the Batch File you want to upload.
- Click Submit Batch File.
- (Optional) If you want to upload another batch file, click Upload New Batch File.
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Tags: upload batch, upload file, payments portal, history, virtual terminal, formatting batch, process transactions