If a card transaction requires a referral, you can complete the transaction using a forced sale. You run a forced sale from the Virtual Terminal, or from the History page.
To run a forced sale from the Virtual Terminal:
- On the toolbar, click Virtual Terminal.
- On the side menu, click Forced Sale.
- Enter the Card Information:
- Type the Authorization Number that the card issuer has provided.
- Type the Card Number.
- Use the month and year drop-down menus to select the Expiration Date.
- Type the CVV.
- (Optional) Type the Name on Card
- Type the Street Address.
- Type the Postal Code.
- Type the Order Information:
- (Optional) Customer ID
- Invoice Number
- (Optional)Customer’s Email.
- Subtotal Amount
- (Optional) Tax Amount
- (Optional) Tip Amount
- (Optional) Convenience Fee
- (Optional) Notes relating to the forced sale for future reference.
- Click Submit Forced Sale. The Payments Portal confirms the forced sale is successful.
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Tags: payments portal, history, virtual terminal, authorization number, complete sale, force sale, referral